


Sunday Morning

Before you get out of bed in the morning do you go over in your head what you need to do that day, I mentally list all of the jobs I have to do. I’ve been doing that for the last hour and I still haven’t moved, in fact I feel exhausted just thinking about my list. I’m becoming very good at procrastinating even though I absolutely have to fit in some pattern writing today but I really don’t find it fun. So I’ve spent the last hour mentally putting obstacles in my way. Why do we do this, all suggestions will be gratefully received. If only I had just got out of bed and started but as you can see I have started a blog post instead. I didn’t actually get out of bed I just started to draft this post using the notes facility on my phone.
My bedroom curtains are still drawn, my significant other went to the gym a little while ago but kindly brought me up a coffee before he left. I think it’s quite bright outside as some daylight is filtering through but the wind is howling which is also contributing to me staying put. My body is full of aches and pains this morning and doesn’t really feel up to doing much but my brain is on overdrive. I really need to muster some energy from somewhere and make a move. Then I need to shut down the brain chatter and distractions and start my pattern writing as my deadline is looming. I love the creative buzz of designing a pattern and then seeing it come to life but I’m just not good at turning that process into a coherent document.


I did eventually get my self going on Sunday and I managed to make a good start with my pattern writing. I also went out for lunch so from a poor beginning it became a nice day. I was much more inspired in the afternoon and did quite a bit of planning for the rest of the month.

Monday was a very productive day, pattern completed and emailed to the Head of Knitting and Crochet at the Knitting Network. I’m just awaiting feedback from the pattern checkers, which is suddenly feeling quite scary. It did feel felt great to be ticking things off my list of jobs, very satisfying. I also did some baking ready for Crochet Club which I run from home every Monday Evening.



I’ve sent my completed blanket off to-day and once my pattern has cleared the checkers my pattern will be available. I’ve just realised I haven’t explained properly about this commission I made reference to it in my last blog post but I’ve been given the green light to share the details now.

My brief from the Knitting Network in collaboration with Woman’s Weekly was to design a blanket for beginner crocheters that said spring and had a touch of Easter about it. It was also to be a blanket suitable for a child to snuggle under or maybe even to use as a childs picnic rug. The pattern is going to be released in 5 weekly parts, it’s my very first Crochet a Long, which makes it even more exciting.

I chose some lovely pastel colours with a few brighter tones thrown in. The pattern is very simple it is made up of stripes of double crochet, trebles, granny stripes and V stitch, so nothing complicated but it has turned out very pretty. I have designed quite a deep border which I think finishes it off well.

The Yarn pack to accompany the Crochet a Long will be available on Monday 26th March via  The Knitting Network the pattern will then be launched in weekly installments, all of the details will be on The Knitting Network Blog.

My head is feeling a lot less cluttered now that I have completed some of my outstanding projects and met the required deadlines. I have space to think about new creative projects and designs. The hours have flown by today I’m just finishing up here and then I am going to do school pick up for one of my grandchildren. I love having all of the grandchildren round and the house full of chatter but it’s also quite nice to have just one and to plan something special. I’m going to take Noah shopping and out for tea.

I had better rush as I don’t want to be late

talk soon


5 thoughts on “Procrastination

  1. Hi Sue, I love your Sweetpea blanket. I want to participate in the CAL but wish to make the blanket a little larger. Is there a Stitch multiple that I can use to make the pattern work out evenly? Thank you!


    • Hi Carol
      thank you I’m so pleased you like the pattern, it’s my first ventutre in writing a Cal so I hope you enjoy making it. The pattern should scale up fine, the starting chain needs to be in multiples of 3 plus 1 for your turning chain.
      hope that helps
      Sue x


  2. I can’t wait to try your gorgeous blanket … thank you for this lovely pattern. I want to make a bigger blanket, please could you just advise me on the starting chain. Thank you x


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